
The Old Faithful archives have seen fully validated to represent a true state of the chain.

Blockhashes and parent/child relationships

During the generation of the CAR files, Old Faithful validates that each block generated has the correct links with the parent/child. This includes validating that each epoch's last block/first block links correctly with the slots in the following epochs.

This ensures that there is a complete set of blocks from block 0 to the current block.

Proof of History

Old Faithful supports full validation of Proof of History. In OF1, every epoch’s PoH has been validated with one exception (see Epoch 208). Outputs from our validation of the history can be found at<epoch>/poh-check-<epoch>.log.

For example,

I1109 13:00:28.125613  217304 main.go:130] Roots: 1
I1109 13:00:28.125641  217304 main.go:133] - bafyreibqt2nvroysxlxctgb52xxn27ectsllv2xyka4qar7ga6vupmbs3i (Epoch CID)
PrevBlockHash: 47PrqQ4MJrT4G2GB7uHk5CdZadTKspB5HgDszzxHPJc2
I1109 13:15:10.275042  217304 main.go:345] Waiting for all nodes to be parsed...
I1109 13:15:10.275046  217304 main.go:347] All nodes parsed.
I1109 13:15:10.275049  217304 main.go:349] Waiting to receive all results...
I1109 13:15:10.292252  217304 main.go:352] All results received
I1109 13:15:10.292261  217304 main.go:354] Waiting for all assertions to finish...
I1109 13:15:10.292840  217304 main.go:356] All assertions finished
I1109 13:15:10.292847  217304 main.go:359] Last block hash for slot 43631999: FUPcPKdnNUWRrwyDqpyAdMqX7XH6rvGM7eEHYYN2KX6M
I1109 13:15:10.292855  217304 main.go:360] Number of checked entries: 110,592,602
I1109 13:15:10.292858  217304 main.go:361] Number of hashes: 345,600,000,000
I1109 13:15:10.292861  217304 main.go:363] Successfully checked PoH on CAR file
I1109 13:15:10.292862  217304 main.go:143] Finished in 14m42.167217686s
I1109 13:15:10.292864  217304 main.go:144] Read 196980689 nodes from CAR file
I1109 13:15:10.292870  217304 main.go:59] CAR file checked successfully
I1109 13:15:10.292872  217304 main.go:53] Took 14m42.170098595s

To run this check yourself, you use the poh-check-car tool from Sample usage of this tool:

$ poh-check-car \
	--workers=12 \
	--auto \
	--epoch=0 \

Last updated